After lots of deliberation, we're making Transcribe a paid product from October 3, 2013. We want to ensure that Transcribe remains the simplest and the best do-it-yourself transcription software, and to do that, we need your support to cover our development and server resources. Several of you have emailed and tweeted us saying how useful you've found Transcribe in your personal, academic and professional endeavours and some of you have asked us for features that would make Transcribe even more useful to you. While we have taken our best efforts to accommodate your requests, we have always felt that we were not investing enough resources into Transcribe as we'd like to. We want to change that. We want to continue to innovate and build a better transcription platform for you. We want to improve our level of service and commitment to you. And for this we need your support.
For every second Transcribe saves you, by not having to juggle between different windows or tools, it also saves a second for several thousands of users like you around the world. On a global scale, adding all the seconds and minutes saved by everyone doing transcriptions collectively, we could potentially be saving several months' worth of time each year that would have otherwise been wasted in wrestling with recorders and media players. And if we could improve the time savings by even a fraction of a second for you as a single user, we would potentially be saving a significant amount of time for the global community. With so much potential at hand, we want to put our best efforts and collective heads into building and improving Transcribe. And to do this, we need your support.
Our transparent and affordable pricing - $20 per year
Transcribe is used by students and professionals alike, and we wanted a fair pricing that works for everyone. After conversing with some of you, we've decided on an annual license for $20 (USD). Translated to a monthly cost, that's $1.70, which is less than the cost of morning coffee for many of us. This small yearly fee, at scale, will allow us to roll out upgrades and new features to Transcribe.
If you are a student or are working at an enterprise and would like to have your university or company purchase multiple licenses for your team, you might find our group licenses useful. This allows your purchasing department to use one card to easily purchase, manage and assign multiple licenses to you and your teammates from an administration panel.
Why we said "No" to display ads
We take great pride in our user experience, and while we could have monetized Transcribe by placing some ugly ads, we decided not to do that. We instead believe that a fair, annual license cost will be in the best interests of everyone.
What will change?
We are committed to keeping this transition as painless as possible. You will have to create an account once, and after you login for the first time, Transcribe will work as seamlessly as before. The app itself is only going to get better, as we add more features such as rich text editing! To kick things off, we've already added a feature that several of you asked for - the ability to insert timestamps as the audio is playing. Try pressing F6 as the audio is playing.
Still thinking about the cost?
We want Transcribe to remain accessible to everyone. If for any reason, you won't be able to afford the cost, please do shoot us an email. We'll figure something out for you.
We hope you understand this difficult decision, and we look forward to your continued support. If you have any questions, please email us at If you have contacted us previously, you might already know this: we read and respond to every single email.
Team Wreally.
Start Transcribing NowInternational cards are accepted.